Michele Volpato

Michele Volpato

This week in Flutter #60: Which is the best state management solution?

One of the Flutter-related discussions that will never reach an end is “Which is the best state management solution?”

It will never reach an end because the answer to that question is highly subjective, both for solo developers and for teams. Each developer in a team has their favorite approach to state management, but which one to use should be decided together, and getting to an agreement needs compromises.

I believe that the choice should not be made by a single developer, even if they are the most experienced one in the team, and it certainly should not be made by management. I also believe that everybody in the team should be familiar with the basic tools given by Flutter, like InheritedWidgets, ChangeNotifier, and ValueNotifier.

Do you use state management packages in your apps? Do you have a favorite one, and is it the one your team actually uses? Let me know in the comment section below.

- Michele Volpato

Development πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

πŸ”— Defining a public API for your Dart package

How do you define the public API for a Dart package? Stephan E.G. Veenstra continues his series of articles about TDD and games in Flutter by defining the public API of a package that implements the game Tic Tac Toe.

πŸ”— How to parse JSON strings in Flutter

We all have to deal with some JSON responses. How do you handle them? In this article, Lewis Cianci explains why parsing JSON is not trivial, and how you can do it in a Flutter app.

πŸ”— Flutter MapBox Integration: Complete Guide with Example

MapBox provides APIs for map-related information. For instance, you can show maps in your app, show navigation, or translate coordinates into addresses. They do not officially support Flutter, but they do support iOS and Android. You can use the flutter_map package, and Dhruv Nakum shows you how in this article.

πŸ”— Getting Started With Staggered Animations in Flutter

Learn about adding animations to your Flutter app and how to animate UI components in sequence with this article by SΓ©bastien Bel.

Backend πŸ—„

πŸ”— Appwrite Phone Authentication with Flutter

Damodar Lohani writes another article for Appwrite. This is a how-to article to integrate phone authentication in your Flutter app, by using a recent feature of Appwrite. I link many times to articles about Appwrite because I like this fully open-source project. You should give it a try.

Others πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

πŸ”— Mock Interview Techniques for Tech Job Searchers

Are you looking for a new job as a Flutter developer? Lea Marolt Sonnenschein has some tips on how to prepare for your interview.

πŸ”— InheritedWidgets | Decoding Flutter

I am a big fan of InheritedWidgets. I believe every Flutter developer should be able to use it before adventuring into dependency injection and state management packages. In this episode of Decoding Flutter, Teresa Wu does deep into how it works.

That’s it for this week.

If you want to comment on any of this week’s entries, you can do it in the comment section below.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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